How qualitative spatial reasoning can improve strategy game AIs


Kenneth D. Forbus

Qualitative Reasoning Group, Northwestern University 1890 Maple Avenue Evanston, IL, 60201

James V. Mahoney

Xerox PARC 3333 Coyote Hill Road Palo Alto, CA, 94301

Kevin Dill

Qualitative Reasoning Group Northwestern University 1890 Maple Avenue Evanston, IL, 60201


Abstract: Spatial reasoning is a major source of difficulties for strategy game AIs. We conjecture that qualitative spatial reasoning techniques can help overcome these difficulties. We briefly review the relevant qualitative reasoning ideas, and outline four potential advantages of our approach. We describe two explorations in progress: How visual routines can be used to quickly compute qualitative spatial descriptions for war games, and how qualitative descriptions can help in path-finding.


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