The semantics of a set of CML top level forms is provided by translating them into first order logic such as defined in KIF. CML inherits the logic's model-theoretic semantics. Fully formalizing CML requires two steps:
The underlying objects are only partially formalized. For instance, Section , page provides a specification of quantities, dimensions, and units. Other aspects, such as arithmetic or standard theorems of calculus and mathematics, are not axiomatized. All models of a CML theory must satisfy such background theorems and all implementations are assumed to respect them as well.
There are some difficulties associated with the use of composable equations (See section , page ). These require a closed world assumption, which in turn requires CML to be defined in terms of a non-monotonic logic. This does not change the axiomatization, but rather affects the underlying semantics, as non-monotonic logics do not have a standard Tarskian model theory.