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Sensitivity Analyze the relationship between an assumed parametric value and a derived one and present the results as a line graph. For example, you might want to understand how the efficiency of your cycle varies with changes in the outlet pressure of the boiler.
Energy Flow Lens View the flows of heat and power or work in your cycle. When you choose this option, the icons representing each device through which there is a flow of either heat or work between the cycle and the environment will be replaced with little square readouts that contain a single vertical bar in their centers. This bar indicates the relative amount of flux taking place at each device. The color of the bar indicates the type of flux. Red indicates a heat flow in, blue a heat flow out, yellow a work flow in and green a work flow out.
Temperature Lens This lens enables you to view the temperature at each stuff relative to the maximum temperature of the cycle. Note that these readouts have rounded corners to distinguish them from Energy Flow readouts. Temperature bars are displayed in red, to distinguish them from Pressure bars, which are displayed in blue.
Pressure Lens This lens enables you to view the pressure at each stuff relative to the maximum pressure of the cycle. Note that these readouts have rounded corners to distinguish them from Energy Flow readouts. . Pressure bars are displayed in blue, to distinguish them from Pressure bars, which are displayed in red.
Device Icon Lens Reverts display to show device icons.
Stuff Icon Lens Reverts display to show stuff icons (the bulges in the pipes).
Icon Lens Reverts display to show device and stuff icons.
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