Under the Instructor menu item, we can open the Assignment Builder.  The Assignment Builder is a "wizard" that allows the creation and editing of CyclePad assignment problems.

The Assignment Builder allows an instructor to create assigment problems for students to complete in CyclePad.  Assignments created using the Assignment Builder reside in assignment files (with an extension of .ASN) which contain all the information the instructor has for the assignment and problem files (whose extension is .PRB) which are for distribution to the students and which contain a subset of the assignment information.  The Assignment Builder creates both types of files.

These assignments have a number of features that instructors may find helpful.  

· The problem files may be made available on a web site or distributed electronically.

· Assignments contain a text description of the thermodynamic system to be designed and the questions to be answered about the design.

· The instructor may specify constraints which the design must meet.

· Assignments may be submitted via CyclePad's built-in email submission facility and constraints and numerical answers can be graded electronically, with a report being sent to the instructor.

· In addition to the text description of the design, the instructor may provide as much of the design as he chooses to help the students start the assignment.

Creating an AssignmentCreating_a_New_Assignment 

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