Email        Enables you to email questions about your work to your TA or to CyclePad support.  Your design is automatically appended to the email.  NOTE: CyclePad is research software, and we do not have the resources to respond to all inquiries.  At various times we may have either a person or a case-based AI tutoring system available to respond to inquiries, but we cannot guarantee such services will be available at any given time.  You should receive return email notifying you of the support you can expect if you send email.

Analysis Coach        Provides information that may help you improve your cycles parametric values.  CyclePad first figures out what role each device in your cycle is playing and then compares the parameters of each device to norms for the role of that device.  If your values are out of the normal range, CyclePad reports the deviation along with an explanation of the range.  Note that CyclePad may not find anything abnormal about your cycle.  For more information, see Design and Analytical CoachingDesign_and_Analysis_Coaching .

Constraint Check        See if the constraints of an assignment problem have been met.

Legend        Turn on or off the device legend at the bottom of the main CyclePad window.  The legend is described in the section on adding components to a designAdding_Components_to_the_Design.

Contents        Provides access to this very file.

About CyclePad        Pops up a menu that displays the version number, creation date and time of the CyclePad you are using, and the web address for the CyclePad Project.  CyclePad, being research software, is in a continual state of improvement, so although we cannot guarantee immediate responses to all email, you can have an impact if you let us know what you think!  Please see the website ( for current support options and email addresses.

Created with the Personal Edition of HelpNDoc: News and information about help authoring tools and software