A Summary of Explanation System Question Types
Each time you query a CyclePad-derived statement, CyclePad pops up a list of questions. Here is a list of all the questions you could ask, along with the context(s) in which they appear:
If the item is a parameter parameter whose value is unknown:
What equations mention parameter?
How could I compute parameter?
Assume a value for parameter.
If the item is a parameter parameter whose derived value is numeric-value:
Why does parameter = numeric-value?
What follows from parameter = numeric-value?
Show benchmarks for parameter.
If the item is a parameter parameter whose assumed value is numeric-value:
Why does parameter = numeric-value?
What follows from parameter = numeric-value?
Retract the value of parameter?
Change the value of parameter?
Show benchmarks for parameter.
If the item is an equation equation,
Why does equation hold?
How has equation been used?
If the item is a component component, then for each modeling assumption true modeling assumption which holds about component and each modeling assumption unknown-modeling-assumption that is not known to be either true or false about component:
How has true-modeling-assumption been used?
When is true-modeling-assumption appropriate?
Retract the assumption true-modeling-assumption.
Assume that unknown-modeling-assumption.
If the item is a statement about the substance substance of stuff stuff:
If the substance is currently unknown:
Select a substance for stuff.
If the substance is currently known via derivation:
Why is stuff made of substance?
What follows from stuff made of substance?
Show assumptions underlaying stuff made of substance.
If the substance is currently known via assumption:
Retract parameter as the substance of stuff.
If the item is a statement about the phase phase-parameter of stuff stuff:
If the phase is currently unknown:
Select a phase for stuff
What phase can't stuff be?
If the phase is currently known:
Why is stuff phase-parameter?
What phase can't stuff be?
If the phase is currently known via assumption:
Retract parameter as the phase of stuff.
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