CyclePad currently has models for the following ten components. CyclePad models components as thresholds that cause changes in the stuffs crossing them. For example, CyclePad considers a heater to be a threshold across which a stuff gains thermal energy. Components, therefore, do not contain stuffs, and there is no representation of the time a process takes, nor of its internal mechanism. However, CyclePad does make some inferences about the behavior of processes based on the states of the inlet and outlet stuffs. For example, if the stuff at a pump's inlet is saturated or gas, then CyclePad infers that the pump is cavitating, which is a failure mode.
Heat ExchangerHeat_Exchanger (two types, counter-current and co-current)
If you do not see the component you need for your design here, think about how you might construct it from other components (e.g., a multi-stage turbine can be built from several turbines plus splitters and mixers). You will also find a list of the modeling assumptionsModeling_Assumptions available for each component. (When analyzing your design, the modeling assumptions available for any component can be found via that component's meter). Each modeling assumption can be either true, false, or unknown. CyclePad automatically keeps track of the relationships between modeling assumptions.
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