A stuff represents the state properties of the working fluid at that particular point.  For example, the pressure of the stuff connecting the outlet of a heater to the inlet of a turbine represents the pressure at that point.

The blue line represents the pipe connecting two components, and the bulge in the line represents the working fluid in that pipe.  Each stuff has a label, S1 in the above figure.  If your design has more than one subcycleSubcycles, then each stuff will be labeled with a letter indicating which subcycle it is part of, as in the stuff on the right above.

In build modeBuild_Mode, you can drag this label to reposition it, and right clicking on the label will pop-up a dialog box for changing the displayed name of the stuff.  Right clicking on the bulge in the pipe will bring up the edit menu, which enables you to delete the stuff.  In analyze modeAnalyze_Mode, clicking on either the stuff bulge or the stuff label displays the stuff-meter window:

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