Educational Software
- Download CogSketch
- Project - Spatial Intelligence and Learning Center: Sketching
- Technology - Sketching: Towards a computational model
- About CyclePad
- System requirements and technical information
- Download CyclePad help system, as a PDF file
- Download CyclePad manual (a zipped Windows help file, 134KB)
- Download a ScreenCam demo of building cycles in CyclePad (zipped, 277KB)
- Download CyclePad v2.0 (a self-extracting archive, 3.0MB)
- CyclePad mailing list
- The CyclePad Guru: An email coaching facility for CyclePad users
- CyclePad & Engineering Education: problem sets, projects, educational research studies....
- Tutorial for students
- Thermodynamics links
- Project - Articulate Virtual Environments for Science and Engineering Education
- Technology - Articulate Virtual Laboratories
Evaporation Lab
- About Evaporation Lab
- Project - Articulate Software for Teaching Science and Engineering
- Technology - Self Explanatory Simulators
Java Self-Explanatory Simulators
- About Java Self-Explanatory Simulators
- Project - Articulate Software for Teaching Science and Engineering
- Technology - Self Explanatory Simulators
- Go to the VModel page:
- VModel uses a "construction kit" metaphor, enabling students to express their knowledge in an ever-expanding collection of principles and processes, thus emphasizing the underlying unity and systematic structure of scientific knowledge. VModel provides multiple levels of computer support, ranging from simple drawing and publishing tools to a coach that uses qualitative simulation to help students see whether or not their model supports their prediction. As many urban schools have outdated or minimal computer equipment, we have taken care to keep VModel lightweight, so that it does not require the latest computer hardware to run. VModel has been used in a number of experiments in Chicago Public School classrooms, with encouraging results.
Research Software
Building Problem Solvers
Case Mapper
- Case Mapper (description and download)
Structure-Mapping Engine, Version Four
- SME v4, corpus, and documentation (description and download)