Note: This menu enables you to toggle between Build and Analyze mode; the checkmark indicates which mode you are currently in.  Although you can do some things in either mode (such as saving the cycle or printing out the schematic or cycle data), there are certain actions that can only be accomplished in one or the other mode.  You will typically start in Build mode, then switch to Analyze mode after completing the structure of the design.  If you try to switch to Analyze mode prior to completing the cycle (i.e., one or more components is not connected to another component via all of its inlet and outlet ports), CyclePad will display an error message to this effect.

Build        Enable Build modeBuild_Mode, in which you can add componentsAdding_Components_to_the_Design, connect componentsConnecting_Components, move connected components, and edit device and stuff namesChanging_the_Labels_of_Components_and_Stuffs.

Analyze        Enable Analyze modeAnalyze_Mode, in which you can see component, stuff, and cycle parameter valuesMeters and modeling assumptionsModeling_Assumptions, change these values2CSWYWE, obtain explanationsInvestigating_a_Cycle_via_the_Explanation_System for them, and do sensitivity analysisInvestigating_a_Cycle_via_the_Sensitivity_Analysis_Tool 

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